I know I haven't been posting for such a long time and I'm so sorry for that but I was too busy with doing all those shit things and so I couldn't get back to you.
This weekend I went to Brno, Czech rep. where all my great friends are (okay, some of them are in my country too, like this girl, sitting next to me ♥) and I admit I'm still a bit drunk so don't get me wrong, okay?
As always: met many cool people, was drunk, was crazy. Found out that manga people can be fine and KFC cola is fucking disgusting when mixed with rum. Also got back into my 'Bowie Rebel Rebel mood'. Tried drinking in the trees (and then falling down) and dancing in the streets. Oh, and my hair is red again.
Here you are.
N. ♥
P.S.: I found out that one slovak blogger (will not be named) copied my idea - one of her posts looks totally like one I made not so long ago.
Don't wanna sound mean, but just to let you know - stealing my ideas just makes me feel proud and stronger. Thank you.
(sorry for the quality of the pics, don't know why but blogspot always makes them looks so shit)
P.S.: I found out that one slovak blogger (will not be named) copied my idea - one of her posts looks totally like one I made not so long ago.
Don't wanna sound mean, but just to let you know - stealing my ideas just makes me feel proud and stronger. Thank you.
(sorry for the quality of the pics, don't know why but blogspot always makes them looks so shit)
AMAZING! love your blog! <3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťskvělé noční fotky!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťpokusím se ti udělat obrazový návod - během víkendu, OK?!=) a pokud ani to nebude stačit, tak už ti neporadím.. ale snad to vyřešíme=D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťBTW - škoda, že nemáš ty kámoše v Ostravě, to bych si s vámi noční piatiku dala taky!!!=D
měj se fajnově, já se co nejdřív ozvu..
Looks like you're having a lot of fun! Can't wait to visit the czech rep. this summer! (:
OdpovedaťOdstrániťkočeno, já měla tak hektický dny, že jsem na to neměla vůbec klid - čas jo, ale klid fakt vůbec.. ale pokusím se teď během týdne a když ne, tak přijedu, neboj=D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťjinak všechno OK, doufám, že i u tebe..
úžasné fotky