Not a long time after my last post - I just can't stop posting! Have so many ideas, so many things I wanna share with you all. I know there weren't many people following this blog (*cry*) and I know we should have some photos on as everyone does so they can promote their blogs more. But I still don't feel like having pictures on lookbook, I want this blog to be about life and about everything all around me (and Laura, of course), not just a blog about fashion. But who knows? Maybe I'll change my mind soon, as I always do... :)
I'm so excited right now! Guess why? :)
There are a few blogs that inspire me so much and one of them is Chloe's blog - urban tease. This girl has amazing style, cute face and...I love her hair! ♥ And she just posted a comment under one of my photos! I'm so happy! Feel like one of my little dreams just came true - and it really did! Thank you so much, Chloe, you're awesome :) xxx
Also... I was just wondering: How many people joined Earth Hour yesterday? My family did. We switched off all the lights in our flat from 20:30 til 21:30 (I wanted to turn off the computer and the TV too, but my Dad was watching football -_-). I think it's such a cool way how to show people that we need to save our planet. Swiching off all the lights shows there are still people who care.
And how did I spend this hour? Reading HP 7 while the candles were burning... (and then tell me I'm not romantic!)
Even many of you forgot or missed Earth Hour, you still can join it the next year!
Hope you all are having a nice day.
P.S.: My hands are still shaking. Chloe posted here! yay! xxx
ohlala, Chloe je bombastická!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťo Earth Hour jsem nevěděla, příští rok to napravím=)
hezkou neděli..
:O Krásna!! Uplne úžasná fotka:)O Eath hour som vedela, zhasla som si svetlo, no pochvíli ma to prestlo baviť, tak som ho opať zapla :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťďakujem za pochvalu ku fotkám...Cítim sa pri vás všetkých také malé decko ktoré sa na niečo hrá :D (neber to v zlom :D)
A veď hádam to není až také zlé XD
BTW veľmi sa mi páči tvoj blog, som tvoj FOLLOWER :o)
xoxo, Paula M. Raspberry
@iva - to je pravda! chloe je proste elita :) a ano, buduci rok nezabudni! :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániť@paula m. raspberry - dakujem dakujem, myslim ze aj my sme ti dali follow a ak nie, tak to idem hned napravit :) a to ze sa citis ako deco? to vobec nevadi, mas len 13 a uplne dobre naslapnute, takze pokoj :) xx